The Kang’s Yeesu
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The Kang’s Yeesu

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Authors : Mambo , Winterbaum

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Comedy , Drama , Mecha , Romance , Yaoi

Chapters: 11

Last update: 2 years ago

130 votes
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Read The Kang's Yeesu manhwa The Kang's Yeesu manga The Kang's Yeesu webtoon update free at mangabuddy.ComI am Han Yeesu, this city's coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I'm willing to become a chaebol family's daughter-in-law. However- "She's the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?" One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. "It's because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!" After my father-in-law's scolding and constant nagging to become the group's successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it's mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu's wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.

Smd_ or _emp ur choi... 6 months ago Pretty good
Idk I kinda love it I kinda hate it I kinda hope it gets updated,it's been two yearsssssss plz update
Mya 7 months ago Rocks
It's been two years..
YaoiManhwaFan 7 months ago Sucks big time
Sorry but this father in Low is so disgusting and annoying..
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Levi's secret waifu 9 months ago Meh
I don't know how to feel about this this feels like a story from a Wattpad everything feels so illegal that we can report them to the police
First let's talk about the MC I feel bad for him that he got into all of this mess but he is no Saint specially after what he did the FIL 
FIL I feel like he is a closetd gay who is a little bit homophob and I am not very happy about that part I don't know where he and the MC establishes there relationship but they are in some kind of relationship I don't know 
Jihyung ML (idk if he is the ml) I don't like him very much at least he should have told the mc beforehand and he is trying his best for the forgiveness but I don't know how to feel about everything is going on right now specially after how the FIL has adopted the mc??? Like girlllll 
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Woopo 9 months ago Kinda bad
The chapters are incomplete, after ch 3 it went straight to 11?
Lonely_soul 11 months ago Meh
Bro just idk what to say it's just f u c k e d up man
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The GUN is pink a year ago Pretty good
help mt cup of tea bc even if its messed up its not ur everyday basic bl, also I used to hate the real song of the father but now i like that son bc he's such a cute bottom like wtf also i don't take this bl seriously bc like he literally says ' father lemme suck ur dingaling" and like I'm just like slay but like i usually am harsh i n
demon boi a year ago Sucks big time
Every main character has red flags 

They get very unlikely at times
You feel first bad for one but later he gets his red flags to 

And all chapter finished  but do not  brother to look em up  else where cause waste of time
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Nymph a year ago Rocks
these guys are mood 🤣😭 gonna read it more!
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Satoru gojo a year ago Sucks big time
Where tf are all the chapters i left just for one month and everything is gone wtf you guys are pi** off sh**'s bye waist of my time
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Alliah Jenascia Pula... a year ago Rocks
Julesbabyc a year ago Rocks
Very shocking Plot Twist when the guy sleeps with both father and son but the father is aware,but that's what makes it awesome
(2) a year ago Sucks big time
It's absolute sh** cause the author basically made the father see the guy as a girl clearly and he even tries to force him to not be gay and to get married to a literal woman. And the guy is gay. This bl brought up so many red flags and also is sad cause it shows that oh well being gay is a horrible disgusting thing and if you can sleep with a gender you don't like basically force yourself to sleep with them and your gayness is "cured"
it's so wrong in many ways and it rubs me the wrong way like how someone would ever waste their time to write something like this
Whit_knee 7 months ago
People tend to write what happens in the real world every bl  refers to the real world example lost in the cloud deals with unstable parents and trauma pearl boy dept and loan sharks and about how young people sell their body for money night by the sea how being in dept can also affect your children and siblings but also your state of mind which leads many to suicide by the end of the day am not defending this manwha am just saying you'll never escape reality even when watching anime the world is still sh** murder brothels human trafficking abuse and not about of 2D characters and hot jjk men can fix that

Hello am under the water 

Member 7 months ago

 I sort of disagree.
Ik people tend to write what happens in the real world "sometimes" however when it comes to gay ppl like myself. In bl stories what happens there is not very realistic all the time. 
falling in love with your loan shark is not something that happens irl to a lot of gay ppl, going in the end with your rapist is not something that gay ppl or anyone in general really do. Fuc**** or being in a relationship with your partners father is not something gay ppl do💀. The way you said it just honestly makes me think you missed my entire point. Also Ik ppl have truma in real life. But being honest most of the authors whom write gay characters or bl or gl are often times where the happen to be straight and the always make it extremely sad for gay ppl storyline or kill or the gay characters or ppl in the story, or make them go through extreme he**. Which I'm not denying that some gay ppl do actually go through a lot Ik some do, but when most authors constantly write that, it does paint a picture. Especially how ppl would use the excuse to say it happens irl. Like no it really doesn't happen extremely bad all the time.
but again I'm not saying that ppl can't write sad stories that's fine. But I was specifically talking abt this dynamic is werid and it is the truth, this particular bl was father and son ex bf and still pushing the fact abt gayness can be cured... like I'm not saying some ppl don't say that irl cause some do. But no body really goes with a father of bf and especially a person that says you can cure your gayness or werid comments. 
plus when your main point is this is what happens irl. U miss my entire point abt how this particular bl is weird, plus u ignore the part abt how this actually doesn't really happen irl to gay ppl often. Like a lot of the things written by a lot of girls in bl doesn't actually happen all the time in irl. Only some parts

Just a Top that loves Simping over Cute Guys 
Especially ,love Bottoms like
"Ye-Chan" From (Love Tractor )🦋🦋
Do You like "the Smith's ,Grimes, Sza, Oldies Tunes.... ?" If so you're Royalty 🎶👑

Sanna a year ago Kinda bad
It's getting boring day by day also the mc is sooo dumb and stupid
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BL READER AND LOVER a year ago Sucks big time
I was starting to enjoy this but when the ex was brought back in it messed it up for me, don't take this personally but it is just not for me, I won't let my review influence you from going on a ride in this story I didn't enjoy but yeah this is just another bad review.

please enjoy this story if you want
lelchu a year ago Sucks big time
If you're into step brother, step dad thing, especially the dad thing, go on. Weirdos.
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Julie a year ago Sucks big time
I also sleep with my rich, old exs father😔
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VictorCastraw a year ago Rocks
I love this. A lot of drama here
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Pork belly / liling a year ago Rocks
I want more stories like this!!!
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Miso a year ago Sucks big time
Never thought uke can be so unlikable.
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